Thursday 30 November 2006


Another day of fevers, although not as bad as the last couple days. Hanging in the 38 area, they did climb a bit this afternoon and again dropped to 35.4C (36.5 is the normal area for James) once he was sleeping. Since we’ve been seeing this pattern, I made a point of checking him several times during nap time today, but they did not drop while he was sleeping. He was much more himself today and you would never guess he had fevers

Our Ped called this afternoon. She had checked the computer to see if any results or info had been posted about yesterday, but found nothing. She said she couldn’t wait until next week to find out what had happened so she figured she’d just call. So I told her about our day. She was happy to hear that the Echo was done and will keep her eyes out for it. She will be gone next week so we won’t hear anything until she’s back in two weeks time, unless things get worse and we’re back in hospital. With regards to the fevers she said he’s still borderline of whether it’s just another virus and since he is doing quite well all considering we’ll keep waiting it out for the weekend. If they are still not better Monday then we are to call in and see one of the other doctors in her office. This would be more just to confirm that there is nothing going on in his chest (pneumonia etc), which it does not seem like since he has no other symptoms except the fevers. At that time it will be his call to decide whether to put James on another set of antibiotics. She is reluctant to do this, but they may have to do it one more time before they determine that further investigation is necessary. We continue to pray that they will just go away and it’s something he picked up in hospital, but yet deep down we know James isn’t usually that simple.

The GI office also called this afternoon. It was not my GI doctor doing the Endoscopy yesterday, so now my doctor’s nurse called as they heard the procedure had been cancelled. She had spoken with the doctor and he did not feel that there was any reason that the procedure needed to be rushed and it could probably wait until March, but she wanted to know our feelings on this. We are not willing to wait until March! We have been waiting 3 months for this test to be done and much of James treatment has been waiting on what this shows. As well, unfortunately, we don’t always see eye to eye with this doctor. It was only by my complete insistence that the colonoscopy (scope of the small intestine) was done in August, as he did not feel it would give us any information or assistance in helping James and kept telling us that James’ stools (mucas and blood in them) was just due to a "virus". The colonoscopy is what showed us that James has colitis. This is the same doctor that was overconfident that he knew what was wrong with James before he was diagnosed and did not feel certain tested needed to be done. In the end he was right, they didn’t need to be done, but neither did any of the others, and his diagnosis was wrong. We all make mistakes, I have no issue with that, it’s how we deal with and admit (or not) to our errors that bothers me.

The nurse had no problem with me insisting we wanted it done sooner and told me they could actually have it done this coming Wednesday. This would mean another patient would be bumped back to March so we could have it done. I feel awful for having to make such a decision. I told her at this time I would not want to do this to someone else as we do not know if James will be stable. It would not be fair to cancel someone else and then not go through with it ourselves. She said she would need 48 hours notice and I could call Monday if he clears up. And once again, if he ends up in hospital, to make sure they are notified so that they can try have it done then.

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