Wednesday 31 January 2007


It's so nice when the kids are easily amused. They're just so excited to actually have snow, and they love playing in it, especially Rebecca. They've taken their turns being sick the last week, but when feeling well they're out on the front hill sledding or in the backyard playing in their fort. I guess there is some advantage to having a hill in front of the house ... it's not very big, but it keeps the kids happy. I've been wanting to take them out sledding, but between kids being sick and weekends being so cold ... we just haven't gotten that far yet. I find -10 to -15 just a little too cold for James to be outside for a long period of time, especially since he can't tell me if he's cold ... so I can't be bothered to bundle them up and drag them over to a place that has a hill just to find out they're cold after a few runs. We'll have to try get out there with just the girls sometime ... altho I think James loves sledding more then the girls. But hey, as long as I don't take them out to a real hill ... they'll be happy with our little "hill".

James quickly picked up a new word the first day as he watch Rebecca from the window ... "wee" and the following day when he got his chance to try it out he had another new word: "go, go". The girls just weren't fast enough for him :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like they are having fun!!!
Grace is the same is James - NO FEAR! faster is better. hope you get some mush needed rest.
prayers for you all

Lisa said...

I think it's so great that even though there are posts with worries and concerns, in the midst of them you post wonderful photos of James being just a regular kid. I'm sure you hang on to these small blessings- and that they help to keep you going!