Monday 4 December 2006

Para Influenza 3

After all initial blood work revealed nothing out 0f the ordinary, they took more blood, and found a strain of the flu...para influenza 3 to be exact, which is a respiratory virus. Therefore he is in isolation, meaning that others coming in to the room must wear a gown, and a mask. The bright side of this is that he has a private room, and it comes with its own bathroom too. Most people may fight this virus with some effort, but since James has interstitial lung disease as a spin off of LPI, this affects him a little harder. Although this is a solid find, it is not conclusive to the whole problem, since he did not show signs of having anything out of the ordinary (for James) with his respiratory system until Sunday morning. This does not explain why he had fevers all week. If the flue bug was the initial cause at the beginning of the week, it likely would have come and gone by now. As well, they have not ruled out the possibility that this is a continuation of the problem from the last time James was in, even though his full dose of antibiotics should have killed whatever was bugging him at that time. (It is interesting to note that an aquaintance of ours, who were in with their baby the last time James was in, have just been re-admitted too. Although their child has completely different issues than James, they are back in just after finishing their treatment too. Hmmm)

Cultures from last nights blood work are in their 48 hour growing stage, so maybe we'll have more news tomorrow night.

Although our trooper went into emerge with a bounce in his step, today he looked like he belonged in his hospital crib, even though his fever has been somewhat milder.

Rob has just finished his last day of Term 1. His exams start on the 9th, and he'll be done on the 12th. Bang bang bang. Oh well, at least they'll be done and over with right away. Although from a horizontal view of life, some may see this as bad timing, James in hospital, and Rob in the middle of exams. But this too is part of God's plan. He is able to turn whatever adversity he sends us to our benefit. May this be so, to the praise of His Name. In this confidence, we do not despair.


Lisa said...

It's good to read that you are feeling confident and strong, by the grace of God, despite everything you're going through. We will pray that the cause of the fevers will be found and dealt with so that James can stay out of the hospital as much as possible! We wish you continued strenth! Makes me feel bad for complaining about my own insignificant flu... James is such a toughie- keep it up, little man!!

Rob B said...


Just started reading your blog... wow I have alot of catching up to do. Just so you know Rob, I'm done my term YES!!! since yesterday.
God bless you with your exams.