Saturday 30 December 2006

Uh-Oh ... Temperature is Rising

And we're not talking about the temperature outside. James is on day three of higher temperatures and fevers.

After James came out of hospital I only checked his temperature and breathing sporadically but noticed that is was always in the 37.0-37.5 area, his breathing continued to hover in the 42 to 48 bpm. Both of these are higher then what we consider normal for James. Had James developed a new normal or was he mildly struggling against something?? We were leaning towards the second as we felt it was inevitable he would end up back in hospital and will continue to until they get to the bottom of the real cause for his fevers.

Thursday we seen his temperature slowly rise into the 38 area and his breathing more rapid. Yesterday continued a bit higher with spikes in the 40 area. Today he fluctuates in the 38-39.5. We have also noticed that ever since James came out of hospital he is more clingy then normal, often wanting to be held or hanging onto my leg. He did not seem unwell, but yet was not completely content all the time. Normally when James has high temperatures he continues to function pretty much as if nothing is wrong, only getting down when he hits the 40C area. The last few days he's been unhappy and spent most of his time in our arms, he does not go down to sleep unless we lay beside him, he has trouble getting to sleep and wakes at nights.

Other then the fevers we have not seen any obvious signs that he has any sort of sickness. Yesterday he had a runny nose for a bit, but maybe it was just from all his crying because we haven't seen it since. Today he coughed to clear his lungs when he woke in the morning and after nap, but other then that no sign of a cold. Time will tell ... in the meantime, we're hoping to make it through the long weekend.

Other then that, we took a break from our cleaning yesterday afternoon to spend some time with friends. Rob took the girls and met them for swimming and then all came over for supper afterwards. The kids played wonderfully together and we had an enjoyable time. We had hoped to be done our cleaning today so that next week we could focus on other things and have a more relaxing time. We did not make it that far but are still chugging away at it. After this I don't think I'll ever be able to convince Rob to help spring clean again ... but hey, it was his idea and I wasn't going to complain. I also now know why I've never spring cleaned the whole house at once before but prefer to just tackle one room a week or so. On a brighter note ... city houses stay much cleaner then country houses and don't need the scrubbing near as often as we found very little fly crap on the walls.

On another note, if I don't get around to writing again, we hope you all have an enjoyable end to the year 2006 and we wish you the Lord's blessing for the New Year.

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