The Lord's Blessings

LPI, PAP, and our family
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The Lord Willing on Tuesday, November 27 at 11am we will have the funeral service for James at the Hamilton Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Chuch located at 353 Stonechurch Road East (map). There will be a reception at the church after the interment.
Visiting hours will be from 6pm-9pm on Monday, November 26 at P.X. Dermody Funeral Homes located at 796 Upper Gage (map).
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Psalm 139: 1-18
O Lord, You have searched me and You know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in - behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.
For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with You.
The day has come for James to finish his bath and to be tucked into his final bed. Our Almighty God has relieved James from his struggles and sickness, and called him to further Glory. And so in the next few days we will prepare to lay his body to rest, knowing that he already has eternal rest. Our comfort is knowing that "When I awake, I am still with You."
In a few days we will plant a seed...
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After five doses of MethylPrednisolone James has not shown any significant improvement. Last time they gave him a Pulse Dose they gave him 10mg/kg once a day, this time they doubled the dose to 10mg/kg twice a day. So at this point he has already had more then the last Pulse Dose and the only real improvement we seen is that he is no longer having fevers and there’s a slight decline in his heartrate.
Our doctors has been in discussion for the last weeks with the doctors in Finland who are more familiar with LPI and LPI PAP due to the fact that 50% of the LPI cases are in Finland (about 50 LPI cases in Finland). Unfortunately even though they've tried many things they have not had any more sucess then here when it's children that have PAP. It seems that when developed as adults PAP is more of a minor "side-effect" of LPI, but with children it's progresses quickly, effecting the inflammation system and there seems to be no answers.
Over the last few days James has spent most of his time sleeping, or resting. A lot of the time he sleeps with his eye part open in order to watch in his sleep what is going on and wakes as soon as a nurse or doctors gets too close. This is a habit he developed right from his first hospitalizations. Eventually he does fall into a deep enough sleep that then you are able to examine him and he doesn't even wake.
It seems this excessive sleeping is simply because he takes so much energy when he is awake. We have tried to play with him or entertain him, or even just "chat" with him, but this can only be very draining and he really rather us just sit in the chair beside the bed and be there. The other day the clown came to visit him, and even though he enjoyed it, it drained him and made him deSAT. He is most content just to be left in his bed watching TV with the occasional chat.
Realizing what lies ahead the doctors have now removed the ICU restrictions. We are now allowed more then two "visitors" (we are classify as visitors, so that meant whenever someone visited one of us stayed in the waiting room and the other took visitors in one at a time) in the room at a time. The girls are also now allowed to come and visit whenever they want. As well we no longer have to call in to ask permission to come in each time and are allowed to come and go as we want, even during shift changes.
Yesterday was the girls came to visit for the first time. They are aware of what is to come, or at least we have discussed it, although we're not always sure how much is truly sinking in or how they are cooping. Rebecca seems to be doing fine. Before coming in her most important question was whether she would be allowed to give James a kiss and hug. Words cannot explain the smile on her face when we said she could. True to her question, the first thing she did was climb up on the bed and give him a great big kiss, or two, or three :) James and Rebecca have always had a special bond and we could see that yesterday when he allowed her to lay on the bed beside him, no one else is allow on the bed. Marietta is much more reserved, not saying anything and not asking anything .... and for anyone who knows Marietta you realize that this is not normal and does cause us some concern. We hope we can break through this and she will feel free to speak about what is going on in her head. Today the girls had an enjoyable time again, this time together with James they attempted to make a mold of their hands. It is currently waiting to dry and we’ll see how it turns out tomorrow.
For the past three weeks they have been restricting James fluid intake as well as medicating him in order to make him pee. The idea behind this is to keep him as dry as possible in order to keep his lungs dry. Realizing that he does not have a pneumonia or anything of that assort we have not really been in agreement with this continual treatment as we can see how much he wants water. Because he is intubated he cannot drink as it could end up in his lungs. He has become dependent on sponge suckers, which we are only suppose to moisten enough to wet his lips or mouth. We have been wetting them generously so that he can get some fluid out of them and he keeps them in his mouth pretty much around the clock. Today they stopped medicating him to pee and allowed him to have freezies. He was too tired to complete a whole one, but quite excited to have something moist and flavourful in his mouth.
We have been bombarded by doctors, child life specialists, therapists, whatever you want to call them all, in the last few days. They mean well, but I think we've gone over everything often enough now. On the other hand they are very good at making sure the siblings are kept in mind. They let us know of activities going on, even take them to the activities if we are busy with doctors meetings. They bring things for them to do when they come to see James and also try to help with any questions that we may have with regards to helping the girls through this. I think we have this all under control (as best we can given the circumstance), we're just a bit concerned about Marietta's quietness, but she may just need time and pouncing on her is not going to help things. Although she is quiet she is still enjoying herself immensely and both girls are loving all the attention, craft things, baking, games, etc that they get to do now.
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I started this post a while ago, but more pressing things have come up in between and it’s never gotten posted, so I try complete it tonight.
We've been at the Ronald MacDonald House for over week now and I thought I would take a few minutes to introduce our new home. We were quite impressed with the home, as have those who have come to visit us, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to let others out there know what a great service the Ronald MacDonald House is, which only costs $15 per night to stay at. Fortunately it doesn’t need advertising, seeing as it’s so hard to get into in the first place … but hey, if you’re ever looking for a cause to support, we’re all for this one.
The home is six stories. The first two floors are common areas and the top 4 floors are where the rooms are. In total there are 27 families at the RMH. Our room is like a hotel room with two double beds and a bathroom ... a less frilly version of the room on the Ronald MacDonald Website. In our room we also have a small bar fridge since there is very little space in the kitchen fridge for each person. Each room also has a desk and wireless internet connection (when it's working :)
The second floor has the common living areas, with a kitchen, dining area, playroom, lounge, computer room and quiet room.
There are three full kitchens in the big kitchen/dining area. Each room is assigned a kitchen that is theirs mainly to work in. This is a completely workable normal kitchen just like you find at home, and if you can't find something in your kitchen you can search through the other kitchens to see if you can find it. Each room is given three shelves of cupboard space and 1/3 of a fridge shelf. In the kitchen is also two common fridges for everyone to use; in there you'll find donated items (such as milk which is donated weekly) or items leftover from other residents or meals that have been served at the home. All residents are free to use what they want/need from these fridges. As well coffee, tea, sugar and cream are supplied to get us through the “staples”.
Three to four nights of the week groups come in to prepare supper. We have enjoyed several of these nights so far ... lots of good eating!! At the end of the night the leftovers are put in the common fridge, and it doesn't seem that many people eat from there, so there's always plenty of salads and foods in there for us frugal folks to enjoy the next day. A lot of these evenings they also have some sort of entertainment or gift for the kids. The pictures is from one of the evenings they had a pinata ... Rebecca giving it a try.
Almost every day there is some volunteers in the playroom to do crafts or cooking or play with the kids. We are allowed to leave the girls with them, but we must remain in the building. So this does not give us free babysitting time to spend time together at the hospital, but it does allow some quiet time to do some laundry, e-mailing, blogging, research etc ... or if necessary a snooze.
Each floor has a laundry room where we can do our laundry for free, with detergent provided. There is no cleaning service; we must clean our own rooms. We also each have a daily task in the kitchen (e.g. clean stove, clean fridge, wash floors, etc). The quiet room is a place to sit and read or make phone calls. In the quiet room is one of two phones in the home where we can make free unlimited long distance calls (with consideration for others needing to use the phone).
For those who are without a vehicle, there is also a common vehicle for the residents to use for around town only. I guess that stipulation prevents anybody from putting the vehicle with the best 4-wheel system to the test (Rob’s comment, not mine).
As mentioned in a previous blog the home also has a school, which the girls are now attending. There are only six students right now and only 3 students from K-3. Rebecca is the only Kindergarten student and Marietta the only Grade 2 student at this time. We were told originally that the teacher follows her own curriculum, but thanks to the wonderful job the girls teachers did on putting together a work package, and the fact that there is no one else taking the same grades as the girls, the teacher is following the girls current curriculum. We are really happy about this and this leaves us to do their Bible Studies.
The girls are thoroughly enjoying it here. Eventually the novelty will wear off but for now they think its one big party. We have set up a bit of a routine and that routine became a bit easier when we were finally allowed a cot in our ICU room.
Previosuly whoever went home for supper with the girls also was suppose to go to bed at the same time as the girls around 8pm (okay I admit it, I never actually made it by that time, it was usually closer to 10) and slept until around 1:30am, at which time whoever was at the hospital came back to the house to switch and get a few hours of sleep. So most nights we were getting about 4-5 hours sleep. Our bodies had adjusted to this and it was going okay, the bigger pressure was the fact that you always felt when you were at the house you needed to sleep, leaving little time to do anything else and always feeling you were rushing against time.
Thankfully ICU finally decided to be nice and allow us a cot. This has made life much more “normal” … or at least the sleeping part of life. Now we take turns staying at the hospital for the night. If a night were to go really badly then we can use the time the girls are in school or doing crafts to snooze. This also means that whoever is at the house with the girls for the evening can actually take time to return phone calls, e-mails, do blogs, laundry, etc without feeling majorly pressured to get to bed.
As much as I say we’ve set a routine, in reality I suppose it hasn’t always worked that way. There are many things in a day that can throw it off, whether it be something going on immediately with James, waiting to talk to doctors, visitors (not that we’re complaining), etc. But I suppose that’s much like normal life, routine can only work to a certain extent. Whatever the case, the Ronald MacDonald House has helped us to bring part of the family together again. It has taken several reminders to get the girls to understand that this is home now, it’s very different then a normal home, but there are still rules, bedtimes, school, etc and they have to adjust to this new concept of “home”.
We are thankful to have the girls here, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time with Matthew this weekend, except it made us miss him more and wish all the more there was some way we could fit him into our lives as well.
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James was extubated at 2pm yesterday, he was re-intubated at 6am this morning.
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The doctors have ordered to stop James' feeds at 4am with the hope of extubating him sometime tomorrow morning.
Over the last two days they have slowly been decreasing the ventilator settings and by the end of today he was almost at the levels needed to be extubated. His blood gas levels showed that he is doing well on these settings and so they're hoping to be able to extubate tomorrow.
We have no idea what type of oxygen support James will need once the ventilator is removed. He could go back to nasal prongs or he may need BiPAP or C-PAP (these provide air pressure to the lungs helping to get more air in and out of the lungs), or there's a possibility that they'll have to intubate him again ... we won't know until we try.
This is so exciting, but at the same time we know not to put our trust in "plans" as James' likes to throw loops in the doctors plans and we end up even more disappointed in the end. It will be
so nice to hear his voice again, to give him that water he's been asking to drink for two weeks now, but most of all to pick him up and hug him.
We have cannot say for sure whether the MethylPrednisolone had anything to do with the fact that they've been able to wean James. Before the lung biopsy James' was getting close to extubation, so it's possible that he just recuperated from the lung biopsy and was able to slowly be weaned. It is more likely that it was a combination of the two, healing from the biopsy and reducing some of the inflammation with the MethylPrednisolone. Whatever the case, the last couple days have been more positive.
They continue to slowly wean down the morphine James is on. Today his chest drain tube came out and seeing as we didn't hear anything back about the x-ray we'll assume all looks well in that area also. Results from Immunology came back today as well. They have looked at his B Cells and T Cells, which are white cells that create antibiodies to fight infection. It seems that they are a bit slow at reacting, but they are working fine. So there is not any real concern here, but they would like to follow up again when he is "healthier" to see how he does then. Other then that our last few days have been quiet as we just wait for the slow ventilator weaning process to take place.
If all goes well tomorrow will also be an exciting day because Matthew is coming to visit for a couple days. We haven't seen Matthew for over two weeks now so we are very excited to spend some time with our little guy.
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Monday afternoon we received the peliminary results of James' Lung Biopsy. The doctors took time to sit down with us and explain what was found and what to expect. We did not really learn anything new from these results; as we expected it just confirmed the diagnosis.
The current diagnosis:
1. LPI PAP (Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis)
The macrophages in James lungs do not function properly. There job is to get rid of the surfactant in his lungs, and since they cannot do this the surfactant builds up and reduces his ability to breath. Although the fluid in James' lungs is not what they call Classic PAP, it is still PAP since it is a protein based fluid building up in the air sacs of his lungs. What makes it "unclassical" is the excessive lipids mixed in the fluid and hence the reason it is called LPI PAP as they feel these lipids are cause by his LPI
2. Lipoid Pneumonia
Although they mention this as a separate item, it is really one in the same as PAP. This has to do with the excessive lipids in his lungs, which is in line with LPI PAP. Other individuals can also have this type of pneumonia which is most common in aspiration cases (hence the reason we were always fighting the battle of whether he had aspiration), but in James’ case it’s part of his LPI PAP
3. Interstitial Lung Disease/ Pneumenitis
This is inflammation of the actual lung air sacs or lung tissue.
The one good thing they were able to report was that there is no fibrosis or scarring on the tissue they took. Scarring is irreversible, so as long as scarring is not present then if we are able to keep the PAP under control, the lung will be healthy.
What does this diagnosis mean? Really it doesn't tell us anything new and it doesn't help us to treat James. There still remains no treatment, and as long as that remains, James has a terminal illness and it's only a matter of time before his lungs give up.
I must say the doctors are more optimistic then we are as they gave James a prognosis of up to two years ... of course advising that it could be more or less. Given how James was doing before all this, we have a hard time seeing this as possible. We cherish each day, knowing that any day he can leave us for a better place. If the Lord should grant James another year or so we can still pray that through new research an answer may be found during that time.
One thing that may have made him go downhill so fast is the GM-CSF treatment. We really do not know if it did or not, but there is a possibility that is actually did more damage then good. In the labs they studied his macrophages being treated with GM-CSF and without GM-CSF. What they saw was that initially the GM-CSF did help the macrophages to function, but then they quickly pooled together and created a "clump" of lipids. The macrophages that did not receive the treatment did the same thing but at a much slower pace. So they stopped the GM-CSF treatment last week, thinking that it may have been the reason for his quick decrease in lung function as it was making the lipid levels in his lung increase. This is obviously unfortunate, but that is the risk of being a trial. This too is from the Lord.
As we have seen, the WLL's do not work on James and almost seem to have the opposite effect on him. Why? We do not know.
Those are the two main treatments for common PAP, but James does not have common PAP and these treatments are not working for him. This leaves us with no known treatment and nothing we can do to help our boy get better.
There is one new treatment the doctors have implemented in order to help the inflammation of his lung air sacs (Interstitial Lung Disease). This treatment is to give him high doses of a steroid called MethylPrednisolone (10 mg/kg in comparison to the 1 mg/kg he had when on prednisone) for 3 days. This is called a Pulse Dose. For three days they "sock" the inflammation in his lungs in an attempt to shut everything down and reduce what is already there. They started this new treatment last night with the hopes that this may bring him back to his baseline breathing and allow him off the ventilator. If this treatment seems to have some effect (and no major side effects) then they will consider doing this once a month to slow things down and keep the inflammation in check.
Regardless this is not a cure. They knew he had Interstitial Lung Disease but they also know that it is not his main problem. They just feel that this may just give him that little edge he needs to improve a bit and get him out of ICU. They have told us we should see pretty instant results from this Pulse Dose if it works, so the next few days will be the tell-tale.
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After a few busy days, things seem to have settled down and once again we are working towards extubation (removal of ventilating tube). Prior to the biopsy he was getting close, but since he needed the biopsy they were not going to attempt to take him off anyways. Now that everything is done our goal is to get him back to his baseline and off the ventilator.
After the biopsy James once again had a rough couple days. We were not surprised by this as he seems to have trouble anytime they monkey with his lungs. This does not mean that it was easy to once again watch him suffer so. Our biggest challenge was once again fevers, hitting 41C (105.8F) at one point, as well as dealing with high blood pressure. The fevers were further complicated by the fact that he could not have tylenol or ibprophen. James' liver function had decreased to such a point that he could no longer have tylenol and since he just came out of surgery he could not have ibprophen, which thins the blood, They had already sedated him relatively well because the drain tube that was left in after the biopsy is very painful. In the end they gave him ibprophen 12 hours after his surgery and had to put him on a cooling blanket to bring the temperature down. This did work, but in order to use it he had to be even further sedated and to keep his body from shivering (and thus rising the blood pressure more) they had to give muscle relaxants so he could not move. On top of that they had to insert two temperature probes down his nose. One would go to the monitor and the other to regulate the cooling blanket. Although this blanket did work I must say it's a pretty eerie feeling to hold a hand that is dead cold and has no muscle function. He could still hear us but had no muscles to even shake or nod his head at questions.
Saturday night they had to put in a new ventilating tube since the swelling in his throat had decrease enough that air was leaking around the tube, and his blood gas levels were not doing very good anymore. This requires lots of sedation too. So all in all he spent the weekend pumped full of sedatations.
At this time he continues to be on a high doze of morphine to diminish the discomfort of the chest tube, which they were not able to pull out as quickly as they hoped because of an air pocket that developed. Today they were finally able to turn the vacuum off the tube, and hopefully tomorrow take the tube out, and then back off the morphine significantly. It is invigorating to watch that even through this dopiness, James still makes the effort to wave goodbye to the nurses, and to point behind him and shake his head to tell us he doesn't want his breathing tube suctioned out. Every new nurse's reaction when they see James is to want to tie his hands down to prevent him from pulling out his breathing tube out, but stand amazed that even while being suctioned he does not grab at it. They say that even adults have the natural reaction to rip that tube out when suctioned, for this process induces the suffocation panic reaction.
Yesterday they finally got around to doing the calorimetry test. This was easy to do since they could just hook the machine up to his ventilating machine. From there they could get an idea of how many calories he's burning in his current state of "rest". This told them that he has already reached the maximum for his feeds and they do not need to try pump more into him. His current rate is significantly lower then when he was well. He now requires 30ml/hr around the clock, previously he would have taken 50ml/hr if fed around the clock. Since he has reached full feeds that means that he is now off of TPN.
James liver function is slowly getting better, which could very likely be because he stopped the TPN, but it that is also hard to say as stress can also cause the liver function to decrease. Even though it’s above normal we’re just thankful that each day it’s slowing going down
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Through all of our trials one thing we always want is for the doctors to be up front, to tell us the truth and not try to hide what's really going on. Often we have to draw our own conclusions, sometimes hoping that these conclusion are wrong, other times drawing hope from these conclusion. Several weeks ago we had come to one such conclusion, this time hoping we were wrong, but strongly feeling we were right. This past week the doctors confirmed our conclusion.
Just as we like the doctors to be upfront with us, so also we like to be up front with our readers. We've been so busy reporting on what's been happening each day and trying to keep up this past week that I haven't had time to sit down and sum things up. So I will try to do that now.
From our discussion and conversations with many of you, we realize that the tub analagy really hit home (see here). As the days progress, it is becoming more evident that James' time in the tub is coming to a close. When things went bad after the second WLL and antibiotics did not get rid of the fevers, we began to realize that there were no other options. We had tried the known options and now we were left with the unknown. The third WLL was done in hope that they would find something new in his lungs that could easily be treated, but in reality we knew it wasn't likely to happen. At the same time we realized not attempting to look again would definitely not give any further information. So we plodded ahead. While we were not expecting a cure from the third WLL, we were also not expecting him to take such a bad turn afterwards.
Along with the doctors we realized that a lung biopsy was very much necessary now. We even wonder why we didn't question to do this instead of the third WLL. Hindsight. What are we truly expecting from this biopsy? To be honest ... nothing. We are expecting a miracle if we truly believe this was going to give us something new. The doctors are quite confident that James has secondary PAP. His PAP is secondary to his LPI. Normal PAP is much easier to treat, LPI PAP is a whole new department. So in essence it is really James' LPI that is the problem here. We can speculate that James not only has PAP but also another disease which is throwing off his PAP and making it difficult to treat. But if he does have another disease it too will be rare, and likely hard to treat.
So what this lung biopsy does, is it confirms the diagnosis of LPI PAP, of which there is no cure. With it, the doctors document they have done all that they can do. Once we get the results we will know if there is anything else that we can try, or we will have to make James as comfortable as possible in his final days. If it is the latter, we pray that this will be but a short term, foremost for the sake of his suffering, but also for the burden on us as parents.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us." Romans 8: 18
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Left: James knows how to relax. He is often found laying like this while watching TV or playing, and also when he sleeps.
Right: No nasal prongs ... we've gotten so used to him with them on he looks funny without them
Left: The daily routine of talking to Daddy, Marietta and Rebecca each evening. This time they caught him just as he was getting ready to go in the tub.
Right: James watching TV on my bed. He is holding the Teddy Bear that he received as part of the Sick Kids Foundation video they were making. They let him keep it even though he didn't cooperate
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James went for his lung biopsy today around 1pm. So far it appears all went well from this procedure. They were able to do the procedure thorascopically, which means they did not have to cut his entire side open, but instead made a two inch incision on the left side and used a tube. They had hoped they would not need to leave a chest drain tube in since they are painful, but unfortunately it was necessary in order to prevent an air leakage and the lung from collapsing. Tomorrow they will do an x-ray (they do daily around 6am) and see how things are looking. If the lung is good and expanded they will likely remove the tube since he was not getting much drainage from it, nor was their air coming from it. Although he was not complaining, if we asked him if he hurt he would say yes and his blood pressure was high indicating he was stress ... likely from the pain. They have given him extra morphine for the night to help him through the pain, so hopefully he sleeps well. He continues to have fevers but they are unable to give him anything for it, except to pack him in ice. Due to the current situation of his liver (the levels were higher again today) he cannot have tylenol. He cannot have ibprophen because it thins the blood and he is trying to heal right now. Hopefully we don't run into the same fever problems we did after his last procedure.
As we expect James needed to have a blood transfusion last night. His levels dropped to the point where they would normally need to do a transfusion, on top of that the surgeon wanted his levels higher before he went to O.R.
Yesterday afternoon someone from the Respiratory Team came to us to find out if we would consent to them doing a BAL (also called a bronscoscopy) today. This is basically an extremely small lavage. Their reason for requesting this was to gather more fluid from his lungs for further testing. Once removed from the lungs the macrophages last about 2 weeks, so they quickly get old and any tests that they want to do should be done as soon as possible. Also the fluid they got from the last WLL had traces of fungi in it, which means that the testing could give false results. They felt that he was strong enough for this and it would work fine to do this with the biopsy. Realizing we need these in order to continue the research we consented to this procedure. So today he also had a BAL where they inserted 70ml into his lungs (in comparison to the 1-2L for the WLL's) and removed it again. He did begin to deSAT so they decide that was enough for the time being and should suffice for the current research plan.
So now we sit and wait for the results of all the various tests that have been done over the last couple days.
Last night Rob picked up the girls and brought them to our new home. They were extremely excited about this. We have not made any firm decisions on what we will do, but will likely keep them with us for the next week and see how it goes. We'll be looking into the school provided here to see how it functions. We hope to start them in the school on Monday, even if they're not learning what they should be, at least it will keep them busy and give us some free time without them. The home also has various activities at times that can keep them busy and allow us a breather. As well the hospital provides a "babysitting" service where you can drop your kids of for a couple hours and volunteers watch them, do crafts etc with them. We'll give this a try and see how we all survive. The biggest challenge is for Rob and I to get sleep somewhere inbetween all this.
Rob also picked up my computer for me yesterday ... yahh!!! So among other things, I will now be able to upload pictures ... if I can get this wireless connection to cooperate with me ... soon anyways.
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We keep thinking we're at the end of all the rounds of test the doctors would like to perform, but it seems to be neverending list that keeps growing. The doctors continue to probe from all different angles in order to try narrow down and eliminate all possibilities of James' fevers and current condition.
We have not gotten the official word yet, but it appears they will be doing the lung biopsy tomorrow. His file has been marked that he cannot eat tomorrow morning, but there is no set time yet. Maybe we'll know better later on today.
Today we were introduced to the Immunology Department who is not carefully evaluating James immune system to make sure that it is fuction properly and not a problem in the equation. They are doing this by testing the B Cells and T Cells. These are the white cells that create antibodies to fight infections. They are hoping to see if James immune system is working up to par, or if this might explain the persistent fevers. Their tests require a wack of blood to be taken, not a good thing when James' hemoglobin levels are already low. If James' hemoglobin levels drop much lower they will need to do a blood transfusion, part of the blood work they order was also prep work for such a transfusion ... just in case.
After Immunology came by GI came by. They had been called back on the case becuase James' liver size has increased as well his LFT (Liver Function Test) results are high, indicating his liver is having troubles. They need to evaluate closer ... and how do they do that? You guessed it ... more bloodwork.
These are all on top of the fact that they changed the regular bloodwork from every 24 hours to every 12 hours. This change was made because James potassium levels are low, among other issues low potassium can put stress on the heart. At the rate we're going it's suprising he's lasted this long without a transfusion, and it definitely won't be surprising if he needs one after today ... even though the nurse is spacing out all the bloodwork, taking small amounts every couple hours to try prevent shocking his body.
James was suppose to have a calorimetry tests today, but when I left at noon it still had not been done. This was suppose to be done the day after he arrived in ICU, but they don't seem to be in any big hurry. This test helps them to evaluate what he needs to be fed, especially now when he does nothing all day long but lie there.
They restart James' g-tube feeds a couple days ago and we are very surprised that this is going quite well. He is only receiving 10ml/hr, but suprisingly his stomach is not extremely distended. We still need to vent him at times to ease some pressure, but he's doing pretty good.
Okay, I think that covers the main gists of the medical stuff. As many of you have probably figured out by now ... considering the fact that Rob has been here for over a week ... he has decided to drop most of his courses. He kept one course because it only requires him to be at school one day of the week and he was already done almost all the assignments, so it didn't make sense to drop it. For the time being Rob will continue to help with balancing the family life. When things settle down a bit he will consider his employment options. We settled into the Ronald MacDonald Home (RMH) last night, I will write more about that later, but we're happy with the arrangement and are considering whether it would work to have the girls stay with us ... this of course takes much evaluation since they are both in school. The RMH does have school for the children staying here, we're not sure yet if this is a option we want to take. We have to evaluate everything, also considering the high school bus the leaves this area (although we're not sure how close from here) and whether it is a reasonable way of getting the kids to school without completely wearing them out. Bringing the girls here would bring some of the family back together, but we have to consider how we'll get any sleep if we take that option. Sadly, no matter how we evaluate things we cannot fit Matthew into the picture at this time. We have now been apart from our little guy for 6 weeks. Our "lifestyle" is hardest on the girls who realize what is going on and are moved from one place to the next, but the harder part for me is not seeing my little Matthew grow up. At least I can talk to the girls everynight, and they don't change so drastically in a couple months, but Matthew is almost not my child anymore, he has settled into his home and has no idea that we are his parents. This is definitely hard for us to accept, but at the same time we take comfort in the fact that he is in good hands and doesn't know any different and is content where he is.
Staying at the RMH means that we have to spend more time apart from James. Since he cannot speak we have no idea how he is truly handling this, but when I arrived back today I seen little tears on the side of his face. I'm not sure if it's the fact that we were gone or that something happened while we were gone. He has been very sad all day, more sad then "normal". We hate leaving him as it's hard enough to stay on top of all that is going on as it is and we hate missing seeing the doctors etc (especially when it seems there are always new one showing up) and having no idea what decisions have been made. That being said I must get back to him.
Many of you have mentioned that pictures are nice to see. I have lots, but unfortunately have not been able to upload them since I have not been home for almost three weeks. When I finally brought the stuff here it somehow got lost in the packing when we moved out of the room ... hopefully soon.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007 (for some reason this is registering as Nov 8, when it's only the 7th)
Where to start?
The last couple days have been unbelievably busy. It seemed everytime we turned around there was a new doctor, new idea, new procedure. The advantage of these days is that they do not seem near as long as just sitting in a chair, and so it's much easier to stay awake that way.
The basic rundown. On Monday they put a new ventilating tube in since they will not be extubating him anytime soon. The original tube went through his mouth and the new one goes through his nose. We're told this should be more comfortable. Neither look comfortable, but at least he can close his mouth now and keep it a bit moist.
Monday was the turning point where they stopped talking on a day to day basis and started talking more long term, admitting that he wouldn't be extubated anytime soon and that certain things had to be done first, the biggest being an Open Lung Biopsy.
They did an ultrasound of his abdomen area to make sure that they are not missing anything with regards to an infection or growths in that area that could be causing his fevers. Everything came back normal on that, except for the enlarged liver, which we already knew he had. No comments were made about an odd shaped stomach which the GI doctor seen when doing the endoscopy.
Yesterday he had a CT Scan done to prepare for the biopsy. The scan did not show anything new, just more of the same stuff. They will use this to determine the best area to take tissue from during the biopsy. The general surgeon said he thought they could do the biopsy thoroscopically by making three small incision and using small tubes to view and cut. This is much better and quicker healing then having to actual cut open his entire side.
The lab results of the fluid that came from James' lungs discovered a mild fungi in his lungs. This is not uncommon with people who have immune problems which James is said to have since his macrophages (amazing cells which literally attack foreign particles) don't function properly. Because James is ventilated they are able to do tiny (or what would be considered normal) lavages to evaluate the fluid in his lungs on a more regular basis. They are waiting for the results of the lavage they did yesterday to compare and decide whether to treat this fungi since it is showing up so mildly.
James fevers are more stable now. He has only been getting mild ones which we are able to control by medication. Whether this is because of the antibiotics or simply because his lungs have had a chance to settle down after being disturbed so badly we do not know. He has been on the antibiotics long enough that if the fevers came for the bacteria in his lungs then they should have been completely gone by now. Since they have been reduced it's possible the bacteria was creating greater fevers, but still is not the underlying cause of the fevers.
They have stopped the GM-CSF treatment feeling that this may be hindering more then helping James. GM-CSF is shown to be more effective on mild cases, and James' case is definitely not mild.
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