Saturday, 5 May 2007

Hearing Test #3 & Speech Results

Today James went to have his ears tested again, mainly for fluid behind the eardrum, but he also gets his actual hearing tested each time. The left eardrum tested as functioning fine, but the right ear still showed no ear drum movement. This could be due to two factors - fluid behind the eardrum, or wax build up. Previously he did not have much wax build up, but this time his right ear was loaded with wax. Guess I should be more faithful with the mineral oil doses ... been slacking lately and it showed. But regardless both ears passed the hearing test in the normal hearing range.

We have not yet gotten a appointment with the ENT (Ears, Nose Throat Specialist), but once we've seen the ENT we are suppose to come back again and get them checked.

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that James had another Speech Appointment, but never got around to writing the results of this appointment . This was a reassessment appointment to see how he is coming along. At this appointment they agreed with me in that he is indeed progressing like a normal child does, he just had a late start. At this point there is no reason to be concerned, but they would like to continue to reassess his every 3 months or so to make sure that he stays on track as they claim that kids who start late often have trouble with certain sounds later. One appointment every 3 months we can handle and so we agreed with this. He was on the waiting list for the Communication Support Team (they would come in weekly to work with him), but they agreed this was likely not needed and so they have taken him off the list.

I was actually surprised to see that they were so agreeable considering that fact that James still has not reached the 200 word requirement they have for 2 year olds. Our list consisted of about 100 words that he uses more frequently, he also parrots many words now, but then doesn't use them again. Since the appointment we've already seen how he is continually adding words and the list is getting longer. He has been putting two words together from some time, even very occassional three word "sentences". And altho they considered him to be delayed in his understanding we knew that there were definitely no issues there. They commented on this the past visit, (which was at our home), say they couldn't believe how quickly he warmed up and responded this time ... well yes, of course, he's in familiar surroundings and isn't been drilled to follow silly instructions. So ... we'll see what they have to say next visit, but in our opinion, he's coming along just fine.

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