Saturday, 5 May 2007

Prednisone Side Effects

So yup, some of the Prednisone side effects have kicked in. Nothing major, just lets us know that there is truth to the claimed side effects.

James has turned into a little piggy ... in James terms that is. Some days he's eating about 3-4 times the amount he normally would. He is easily upset (mood swings?) and often his consolation is food ... not good for most people, but okay for James. He is picky tho, it has to be cheese (imitation cheese) or pasta (plain dry with no sauce). He often comes to the fridge asking for his cheese and usually shortly before lunch and supper he's at the fridge asking for his pasta. He sits on the kitchen counter or stool and chews away at the pasta, cold or warm doesn't matter to him. He used to like to eat rice crackers and pringle chips but doesn't really take to them right now ... just pasta and cheese, oh and ranch dressing and ketchup ... some things never change! :)

We're not sure if James has gained weight from his extra eating, he has an appointment next week, so we'll find out. His face has filled out, we're guessing this the side effect called round face, a common trait of this drug, and is not from eating and gaining weight. For James the extra eating is definitely a bonus if it helps him gain some extra weight ... and if nothing else it shows us that he can indeed eat normally, something he's not been doing so well on lately - he likes to chew things and spit them out again, rather then swallow it.

The other side effect we've seen, altho we can't say for sure it's from the drug, is increased crankiness, clinginess, and sensitivity ... sort of like mood swings. One minute he's okay, the next he's all worked up about something. He's extra sensitive and easily upset ... and if I dare sit down he wants to be on my lap.

"I'm a big boy"
James loves to be just like the rest of us - big plate, big fork and this time he even managed to get a knife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh he is soooo cute! We continue to keep him in our personal prayers!